Business Barometer

Just over 16,500 Business names have been registered in Ireland during the first 7 months of 2012. This figure is more than double the number of company incorporations for the same period.

Our analysis has shown that 16,501 business names were registered between January and July of this year - an average of 2,357 per month.

This figure represents a small increase on the figure for the same period in 2011 (16,363) and is the third highest total for that period in the last 5 years.

Further analysis of these business names shows that majority have been registered by individuals. Over 10,500 (64%) were registered on behalf of individuals. This practice would be necessary when an individual uses a business name which differs in any way from his/her true surname.

The remainder of the business names were registered by partnerships and companies.

Business name ownership details

January - July 2012

Business names - ownership breakdown

Company incorporations for the first seven months of 2012 total just under 8,200 which is in line with the figures we've recorded during the past number of years for the period. This means over 24,600 start-ups in Ireland this year.

Insolvency Notices


The number of companies that have collapsed this year. This figure is down 1% compared to last year
Click here to view the list


Our Credit Reports are predicting over 80% of insolvencies at up to 6 months in advance.



  • 47 Companies

E8 (Notice Of Appointment Of Receiver)

  • 36 Companies


  • 0 Company



The number of companies that have closed this week.

New Startups

New Companies

  • 314 Companies

New Businesses

  • 591 Businesses

Important Changes

Changed Status

  • 884 Companies


  • 3 Companies

Strike off & Struck off Companies

Strike Off

  • 276 Companies

Struck Off

  • 227 Companies

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